Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Suicide? Really?

A student I once knew said something along these lines: suicide is the hardest choice you can choose because it ends all of the other choices. This is the sort of yuppie thinking that sounds deep but it’s not even close.
Thinking about it on face value, suicide should never be easy. However, the hardest? Note the question mark. I’d even use a sarcmark if I could (we’ll all use them eventually, so don’t ask me to explain what one is, go online and find out). Suicide is not as hard as say, donating a kidney to a man who rapes his children. On one hand, he’s human and society says that we’re supposed to value human life, preferably an English-speaking one. However, he is a child-abuser and society conflictingly says that these people deserve to die. Or even tougher, to kill a man who rapes his children and then posting it on the Internet. The choice becomes central to the target; you become an active participant in the hypothetical. In the former scenario, your apathy causes a man to die but you can shrug off responsibility. In the latter, you are integral to saving these children from mental and physical abuse, at the cost of killing a very bad man. However, he is a man.
All hypotheticals, but proof that suicide is not THE hardest choice you can make. If you’re a teenager and have stumbled upon this on searching ‘suicide’ on the Internet, then go get a smoothie and read a book please.


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