Friday, April 2, 2010

Beat Poem- Drugs

I know, you hate me. I don't like poetry either


I think those who taken lithium tablets for depression are not weak or insane
No more than someone with a weak leg should carry a cane
Mental health is often overlooked as something you should battle on your own as opposed to cancer, still falling under the health bracket,
But here chemotherapy is widely pushed with a noisy bloody racket
So what does it matter if sometimes you’re down?
Why must you keep your frown
And have a sad but true life?
Why go through the strife
When asthmatics have inhalers,
When loose women have sailors,
Just because you have a chemical brain imbalance doesn’t mean you should suffer
And prolong how you think your life is rougher
Than your best friend’s or your mates,
And go around with bags of hate
To fling at your boss or your cat just because you’ve had to go through emotion due to your devotion to your anti-drug stance,
Why dance
And prance
Around with no antidepressants
But then feel hesitant
Over getting up in the morning,
When suicidal ideals are forming,
It’s nothing to be ashamed of to swallow a pill
Because you’re mentally ill,
Rather like a burn victim refusing skin grafts,
A starving vegetarian refusing to eat calf’s,
If you’ve got tourettes, bipolar, or a Schizophrenic
Head to a clinic
And get a prescription, there’s more to life than feeling sad
And those who say the pills are bad
Are selfish pricks, write them off as wankers and to fuck off
It’s not all sleeping pills and Smirnoff
If Disabled have wheelchairs, why berate them for not standing on their own two feet
Or for a blind to let go of his dog, it’s got better things to do
Than lead you around
It’s a crock; if you think mood stabilizers are bad
Just try telling that to so-and-so’s dear old dad
Who flung himself from twenty stories
In a fit of blind fury
It’s not a question on who’s going to depend
Because in the end
If you snatch the bottle out of some poor sap’s hand
Then you better be willing
To drown out the therapists
With a bloody marching band

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