Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pain, Nylon & Those By Sialon- Prologue

Crossover with Parable & Ashm's Sialon.

It angers me somewhat that there are so many of you humans out there who aim to reduce suffering. My livelihood is around seeing you maggots wiped out, like squealing rats from a burning building. I suppose you could say I was the template for what you know as the Devil, except all who have seen my true form have failed to communicate it. Your use of prayer is laughable, cursing at the darkness, only it isn’t ever just the darkness. I can hear you. And I do not come bearing gifts. If ever you think you see a shadow move, just for a second, that’s me. That’s always me. Not just any shadow, but every shadow.
I have a pet, a worthless human who I can use to spread my glorious name. A bone I can dig up when I feel like it. He’s an obedient little dog, enticed by my protection, and he does my bidding at my whim. There is nothing but a shell now, a puppet which I use to frighten those who don’t appreciate my work. I’m in every one of your eyes, but you try your best to close them, to busy yourself in petty activities to pass the time, to do your best to forget me. But they’re cosmetic. Because in the end, whenever you think you’ve escaped me, I’ll be around to even the score. In fact, there’s nothing I can enjoy more than tugging on the strings of my little puppet, with all of my weapon at disposal.
But my puppet is growing weak, his strings are growing lose. I think soon he’ll just fall apart like a stack of cards in the wind. Even my soldiers deserve a break. And I’ve found his replacement while he recovers. A replacement who was born ready-made, a vessel who understands me perfectly.
I am Sialon.
And he calls himself Benjamin Parable.


  1. Well done. VERY well written.
    I like, a lot. You've understood Sialon pretty well.
    Well played.

  2. Oh why thank you, aren't you glad you now have something that you can call your own fanfiction?
